Have you always been curious about sensors but never knew where to start? The Qtechknow ArduSensor Learning Kit for Arduino is a fantastic option!
Inside the kit are two boards, one an ArduSensor shield and the other a conglomeration of eight smaller boards that are v-scored between one another making it easier for you to solder all the sensors in first and then break apart at your own leisure.
This kit boasts eight different types of sensors, including button, flex, force, magnet, temperature, light, knock, and (of course) fart. These sensors, once soldered, can easily be placed onto the ArduSensor Shield in one of four designated areas with readings from an RGB LED, a buzzer, and an LED bar graph relaying the information to you.
This comes in kit form and must be soldered together by the end user. Please note - we do not ship assembly instructions, but you can find an assembly guide below!
Note: The silk labels for ArduSensor A2 and A3 are reversed. The actual pin labels are correct next to the headers, use those for reference.
**Note: **This product is a collaboration with Quin at . A portion of each sales goes back to him for product support and continued development.
- 1x ArduSensor Shield PCB
- 1x ArduSensor v-scored PCB
- 1x Methane CNG Gas (Fart) Sensor
- 1x Piezo Element (Knock)
- 1x Mini Photocell (Light)
- 1x TMP36 Sensor (Temperature)
- 1x Reed Switch (Magnet)
- 1x Force Sensitive Resistor (Force)
- 1x Flex Sensor (Flex)
- 1x LED Bar Graph
- 1x Piezo Speaker 2.048 KHz
- 1x RGB LED
- 2x Push Button Switch
- 1x 1M Ohm Resistor
- 3x 330 Ohm Resistor
- 6x 10k Ohm Resistor
- 2x 330 Ohm Resistor Network - 6-pin
- 4x M/F Headers - 6-pin
- 12x M/M Headers (1x 10-pin, 2x 8-pin, 9x 6-pin)
- (ArduSensor Shield)
- (Sensor Board)