Today's most advanced base construction. The full lace base gives complete comfort and versatility. The base can be cut down and customised to suit and head shape or size. Removable front and back tape patches can be used as attachments for extra security. The hair is single knotted all the way thorugh which makes the style easier to lay flat and gives a slicked back appearance. A unique appearance and design for unique comfort and style.
Size: 18.5cm x 25cm (7" x 10") - Large
Base Material: Moustache mesh base with front and back tape patches.
Hair Type: Fibre Blend
Length: 9cm - 12cm (3.5" - 4.7") Curl: 2.5cm - 3.5cm (1" - 1.2")
Density: Medium to light. The hair is single knotted throughout the base.
Front: Extra lace around the piece keeps the contour and shape.
Attachment: VIP Tape